Temporary Gate on Tioweroton Road heading to the North House
The Tioweró:ton Department of the Lands Unit would like to inform all community members that a Temporary Gate will be erected on the Tioweró:ton Territory at the beginning of the road heading to the North House. The Gate was removed from the Fire Road and refurbished.
Over the past few years, non-locals have been attempting to use the Territory as a shortcut and getting stuck in the winter, many not equipped for the cold temperatures. On numerous occasions, the Caretakers have had to pull them out because tow trucks cannot access the road or pick up persons walking looking for help. It also puts undue stress on our vehicles, which are not intended to be used in that capacity.
The Gate is to prevent cars from accessing the road this winter. Side by sides and snowmobiles will still be able to access the road. Cars will continue to have access while the road remains passable, after which the Gate will be closed.
The Gate will be installed in the coming days before the ground freezes. It will be opened or removed next spring, depending on its success this winter.
If you have any questions, please contact Veronica LeBorgne, General Manager of Operations, Lands Unit, at 450-638-8244 ext. 52508 or Veronica.leborgne@mck.ca.