Test Pits in Lot 106 in continuing effort to assess soil quality
The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke (MCK) wishes to inform the community that test pits will be dug on sites within the Lot 106 area as part of the ongoing efforts to assess soil quality and potential presence of asbestos-containing fragments.
Specifically, the lots indicated in yellow on the map below will be assessed.
The test pits will be back-filled immediately after the work is completed each day. Weather permitting, the work will begin on Tuesday January 26th, 2021 and will take approximately three weeks to complete. The consultants, Arcadis Inc., will be accompanied by an MCK field monitor and a local backhoe operator. All appropriate safety procedures will be followed.
Any questions about this study can be directed to Ratsénhaienhs Cody Diabo, who is the lead Portfolio Chief on this issue, at 450-632-7500 or via email at cody.diabo@mck.ca.