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KEPO seeking participants in air quality monitoring project


The Kahnawą:ke Environment Protection Office (KEPO) is seeking community participation in a citizen science Air Quality Monitoring Project. Kahnawa′kehró:non are needed to host, maintain, and build monitors.

KEPO is working with Concordia University to create an air quality monitoring network within Kahnawą:ke. Several commercial and home-built monitors will be set-up throughout the community to collect data on conditions year-round. KEPO will collect and analyze data from the monitors to get a picture of the overall air quality in the community.

"KEPO is looking for community members that would be willing to host a monitor on their property," said Patrick Ragaz, General Manager of Field Science. "Community participation is also requested to build and maintain the monitors. A training session on building the monitors will be offered by Concordia University." 

A temporary Research Assistant position will also be available for the Air Quality Project through Concordia University. Candidates from Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Engineering and Computer Science (and other suitable candidates) who have an interest in air quality and citizen science can contact KEPO for further application information.

Please contact the Kahnawą:ke Environment Protection Office at 450-635-0600 or for more information or if you would like to participate in the project.

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