Local businesses asked to inform KPHT of any positive COVID-19 cases
The Kahnawą:ke COVID-19 Task Force and the Kateri Memorial Hospital Centre (KMHC) asks that any local business that is informed of a positive COVID-19 case amongst their clientele or staff members, to please inform the Kahnawą:ke Public Health Team (KPHT) by calling 450-638-3930 extension 2345. The Kahnawą:ke Public Health Team is informed of any positive COVID-19 cases within the community. However, if the individual who tests positive is not Kahnawa′kehró:non, then the KPHT would not be necessarily informed. On a related note, if a Kahnawa′kehró:non goes outside of the community to get tested, the Kahnawą:ke Local Public Health Team always gets the results but there may be a delay in getting the information. As a proactive measure, KMHC is requesting the assistance of all local businesses to ensure the KPHT has the information needed to keep the community safe.