Important Notice regarding Tioweró:ton
The Kahnawą:ke COVID-19 Task Force wishes to remind Kahnawakehró:non that all directives issued by the Task Force remain in effect in the Territory of Tioweró:ton, as well as Kahnawą:ke.
Specifically, the public is reminded that non-local (non-Kahnawą:ke) companies are not permitted at Tioweró:ton at this time as a measure to protect the health and safety of community members.
Please note that new construction is currently on hold as it is not considered as essential, and only repairs that are considered as essential should be undertaken.
The MCK thanks everyone for their patience and understanding at this time.
-30- The Kahnawą:ke COVID-19 Pandemic Task Force consists of designated health and safety representatives from Kahnawą:kes service organizations