Unofficial Nominees List for MCK By-Election
Nominations for Mohawk Council of Kahnawą:ke (MCK) Elected Council Chief were collected by Electoral Officer Angus L. Montour and Assistant Electoral Officer Muriel White-Rice at the Kahnawake Services Complex on Saturday, October 5, 2019 between 10am and 12 noon.
The Unofficial Nomination List was distributed shortly after 12pm by the Electoral Officer via Facebook live on the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake page. Seven (7) community members were nominated for the one position open for Elected Council Chief.
All Nominees on the Unofficial List will be vetted through a vigorous background check conducted by the Kahnawake Peacekeepers, the Court of Kahnawą:ke and the Membership Department.
For all Nominees, the deadline to Declare or Decline their Nomination is Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 12 noon.
It is noted that this list is UNOFFICIAL until all Nominees have dutifully accepted or declined their nominations and have been deemed by the Electoral Officer to have met all eligibility critiera as per the Kahnawą:ke Election Law. The Official Candidate List will be released by Tuesday, October 8, 2019 between 2pm and 5pm.
The following UNOFFICIAL list of the nominees for the MCK By-Election can also be found online at
- PATTON Robert Bobby, Jr. (Nominated by: Amy-Leigh Patton, Seconded by: Leatrice Leborgne)
- WILLIAMS Tonia (Nominated by: Sandra McComber, Seconded by: Donna Stacey)
- DELISLE Iohahiio, Andrew (Nominated by: John Mayo, Seconded by: Kenneth Montour)
- DIABO Cody (Nominated by: Nathan White, Seconded by: Rebecca Kirstie Diabo)
- WHITEBEAN-BRASCOUP Angie (Nominated by: Kevin McComber, Seconded by: Teiawentathe Etienne-Jacobs)
- MCGREGOR Keith (Nominated by: Cheryl Montour, Seconded by: Kirstin Montour)
- MCCOMBER Nihawenna:a (Nominated by: Kaherienionta Lahache, Seconded by: Kahsennaronnion Montour)
For further information, please contact: Angus L. Montour, Electoral Officer 2019 Mohawk Council of Kahnawą:ke Elections Cellular: 514-442-9114 Email: