Recap of February 23 Membership Law Hearing and schedule announced for next two meetings
The Kahnawą:ke Legislative Coordinating Commission would like to advise the community that consensus was reached on Section 13 (Instatement and Reinstatement), and on the first six clauses of Section 14 (Adoption) at last evenings meeting on proposed amendments to the Kahnawą:ke Membership Law.
Approximately twenty community members attended the meeting, which began at 6pm and ended at 8:33pm.
Consensus on the Instatement and Reinstatement section (which basically deals with the application process and who is eligible to apply) was reached on all three clauses of the section in less than an hour. Each clause received small additions for clarity. One person objected to clause 13.2, otherwise consensus was unanimous.
In regard to section on Adoption, the first four clauses saw unanimous agreement by the participants. Once again there were minor additions for clarity. One person objected to clause 14.5 and two persons objected to clause 14.6. The discussion and debate on clause 14.7 which pertains to non-Native persons adopted by Kanienkehįka of Kahnawą:ke after 2003 and their ineligibility to be recognized as a Kanienkehįka of Kahnawą:ke or Approved Kahnawą:ke Resident - was spirited and lively but time ran out before a decision could be reached. Therefore, the next meeting will begin at the point where the discussion left off.
At the conclusion of the meeting it was announced that the dates have been confirmed for the next two meetings: Tuesday, March 8th and Tuesday, March 22nd at the Golden Age Club. The community will be advised of the agenda beforehand, as is the protocol.
Last evenings was the eight meeting in the First Hearing phase of the Community Decision Making Process.