Membership amendments Consultation date announced
The Kahnawà:ke Legislative Coordinating Commission announced that Thursday, 28 Enníska/February has been selected as the date for the third Community Consultation on amendments to the Kahnawà:ke Membership Law.
Based on problems that have arisen in administering the law, the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke’s (MCK) Membership Department will present a suggested list of major subject areas of the Law to discuss for potential amendments. Community members will also have the opportunity to suggest other possible amendments.
Should consensus be reached on the amendments, a working group that includes community representatives will be created and the process for drafting the actual amendments will begin. Should consensus fail to be reached, another Community Consultation will be scheduled.
“The key for success is to ensure that participants have as much information ahead of time as possible,” said Membership Registrar Rose-Ann Morris. “The best decisions are always made when people have the facts in hand.”
All of the relevant documents and information are available at the Membership Office, located at the Social Development Unit at the Services Complex. Additionally, please feel free to contact the Membership Registrar directly (see below) or visit the Kahnawà:ke Legislative Coordinating Commission website at
Rose-Ann Morris, Membership Registrar 450-638-0500,